Well this has been one crazy Christmas for sure. Mary Hannah Pule born November 29th really added to the fun. I would like to start by saying that I love Christmas. I think it is the best holiday. No other holiday involves so much preparation and anticipation. From baking cookies to buying presents, you really are busy for a solid two weeks. Everything gets put on hold for a little bit. That being said, I hate everyone in the world when it comes to shopping. People are so crazy. We went to this strip mall on Christmas Eve thinking it would be dead, but noooo. It was so busy. People really wait until the day before Christmas to buy there gift. Now I have heard that some people love doing this...They are insane. I also went to wallgreens Christmas Eve night to get some beer and there was a huge line of people buying shitty wallgreens gifts. "Wow, thanks for the sunbeam toaster" But I regress. I have always loved Christmas but now that jack is getting a little older, it has been even more fun. I am working on a couple Videos of the occasion that I will post in the near future. So Christmas Eve we went over to Johanna's parents house. This year they went all out, tree, lights, homemade pies, it was pretty sweet. We ended the evening with wrapping all of Jack's gifts, which is fun to me because I really feel like a dad when i get to do it. It has only been twice so far but both times have been exciting.

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